ASPEN Software Distribution Portal
ASPEN software coordinators can visit the ASPEN Software Distribution Portal to download all releases and updates of the programs for which their company has a license.
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Python for ASPEN OlxAPI apps
The OneLiner Python API can be used with 32-bit Python 3.8 or newer. If you plan to use the macro record and internal Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) features of OneLiner V15.8, 32-bit Python 3.11 will be required. The 32-bit Python 3.11.9 installer for Windows can be found at
Instructions for configuring your IDE to work with the ASPEN OlxAPI can be found here.
Instructions for configuring the internal OneLiner Python IDE can be found here.
Sentinel HASP/LDK Run-time with Hardware Key Driver
We always include a copy of the Sentinel HASP/LDK Windows GUI Run-time Installer (HASPUserSetup.exe) in the \network directory of the program CD. You can also click on this DOWNLOAD LINK and save a copy of HASPUserSetup.exe. If this installer does not work for you, you may be able to get a newer version from the key manufacturer's web site
1. Remove all HASP keys from the PC or security server.
2. Launch HASPUserSetup.exe as Windows Administrator to install the run-time.
3. Plug the HASP keys back.
License Manager
If the message : "The License Manager is too old.", appears when you run OneLiner or Power Flow under network-key access, you must re-install the License Manager with LMSETUP.EXE at the PC with the key.
1. Download "HASP HL License Manager" installer at this link. Extract LMSETUP.EXE from the zip file.
2. Remove all HASP keys from the security server (the computer with the network key attached)
3. Execute LMSETUP.EXE to update the Licensing Manager. Accept all defaults.
4. Plug the HASP keys back.
On some server system, LMSETUP.EXE may display error message when installing the buil-in HASP key driver. In such cases, download and run the latest Sentinel HASP/LDK run-time installer as described in the section above.
"Implementacao de Rotinas em Programas de Curto-Circuito para Viabilizar Aplicacoes em Testes de Protecoes de Linhas de Transmissao" by Clarivaldo Almeida, Syvio Cayres.
Click HERE to download a copy of this paper in PDF format.