The ASPEN Enterprise Module (EDX) is an add-on module of the ASPEN OneLiner program designed to facilitate network model data management and model-building collaboration in a system-protection-and-control team in a single power utility or between power utility companies with interconnected networks.

The EDX has in its core a relational database (EDB) hosted on an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Database Server, where all the network model data are available for shared access by the team members. The data connection between the database and OneLiner and other clients is asynchronous, meaning that users can OneLiner stand-alone, and connect to the EDB to exchange the model data on an as-needed basis.

A user who wants to perform a study has to first log in to the EDB to acquire a suitable OLR model file and run the simulation in the traditional OneLiner GUI environment. Authorized users can submit the models they updated in OneLiner to the EDB using the program’s built-in commit command. The updates are made available to other users only after review and approval by a supervisor or peer. The software maintains a detailed journal of all changes made in the network model and relay parameters. Each journal entry includes a time-stamp, the user name, the “before” and “after” values, user description, justification, and data-source reference for the changes.

EDX users with licenses for the ASPEN Relay Database and/or the ASPEN Line Database can merge their existing data tables into the EDX database. With all the equipment and model data in the shared EDB, users can leverage the EDX software’s data management capabilities to keep their OneLiner models in sync with updates in the Relay Database and/or Line Database.

The EDX software consists of the following main components:

  • The EDX database (EDB): the backend shared database hosted on the user’s MS SQL or Oracle database server.
  • EDX client software, which includes:
    • OneLiner V15.7 and later: the program is shipped with a built-in EDX client.
    • EDX DashBoard: an EDX apps launcher
    • EDX Case Browser: A graphical browser for OneLiner cases in the EDX
    • The EDX setup and admin tool
  • The EDX Web Interface server (Available in Q3 2024): A Windows web server application that will enable common EDX operations in a web browser.
  • The EDX Web API server (Available in Q3 2024).: A Windows server application enabling EDX operations through Web API calls.