The Import Relay command in the Main Window is designed to facilitate the transfer of a large amount of relay data, including coordination pairs and logic schemes from a text file into an OneLiner binary data file. The text file must be in the ASPEN relay data format described in SECTION 10 RELAY DATA FORMAT (Legacy).
1. Select the Relay | Import Relay command.
A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the text file to import. The default extension is .RAT.
2. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the relay data file that you wish to import. Press Open.
Once OneLiner accepts the file name the dialog box will disappear. If any data errors are found when importing a relay, the program ignores only that relay. Data errors and error messages, if any, will be displayed in the TTY Window (use the View | TTY Window to open it).
Part of the data for each relay tells the program where it resides in the network. Relays that have valid location data are place automatically by the OneLiner. Those that have invalid or missing location information are put into a "holding tank” . You can later place these relays using the Relay | PLACE IMPORTED RELAY COMMAND.
Coordination pairs that have valid location data are formed automatically by the OneLiner. Those that have invalid or missing location information are ignored.
3. Optional: Use the Save command to save the new relay information to disk.
Main Window