Quick reference of  the Functions and Statements available




Flow of Control


Goto, End, OnError, Stop, Do...Loop, Exit Loop, For...Next, Exit For, If..Then..Else...End If, Stop, While...Wend, Select Case




Chr, Hex, Oct, Str, CDbl, CInt, Clng, CSng, CStr, CVar, CVDate, Asc, Val, Date, DateSerial, DateValue, Format, Fix, Int, Day, Weekday, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Second, TimeSerial, TimeValue




Text, TextBox, ListBox, DropList, ComboBox, CheckBox, OKButton, BeginDialog, EndDialog, OptionGroup, OKButton, CancelButton, PushButton, Picture, GroupBox, Multi-line TextBox,


File I/O


FileCopy, ChDir, ChDrive, CurDir, CurDir, MkDir,RmDir, Open, Close, Print #, Kill, FreeFile, LOF, FileLen, Seek, EOF, Write #, Input, Line Input, Dir, Name, GetAttr, SetAttr, Dir, Get, Put              




Exp, Log, Sqr, Rnd, Abs, Sgn, Atn, Cos, Sin, Tan, Int, Fix




Call,  Declare, Function, End Function, Sub, End Sub, Exit, Global




Let, Len, InStr, Left, Mid, Asc, Chr, Right, LCase, Ucase, InStr, LTrim, RTrim, Trim, Option Compare, Len, Space, String, StrComp Format,


Variables and Constants


Dim, IsNull, IsNumeric,VarType, Const, IsDate, IsEmpty, IsNull, Option Explicit, Global, Static,


Error Trapping


On Error, Resume




Date, Now, Time, Timer





DDEInitiate, DDEExecute, DDETerminate





Option Base, Option Explicit, Static, Dim, Global, Lbound, Ubound, Erase, ReDim





SendKeys, AppActivate, Shell, Beep, Rem, CreateObject, GetObject, Randomize


Data Types


Variable  Type Specifier                             usage

String         $                            Dim Str_Var As String

Integer       %                           Dim Int_Var As Integer

Long           &                            Dim Long_Var As Long

Single         !                             Dim Sing_Var As Single

Double        #                            Dim Dbl_Var As Double

Variant                                      Dim X As Any 

Boolean                                     Dim X As Boolean

Byte                                         Dim X As Byte

Object                                      Dim X As Object

Currency                                   (Not currently supported)



Arithmetic Operators


Operator             Function              Usage

      ^                Exponentiation              x = y^2

      -           Negation                  x = -2

      *          Multiplication       x% = 2 * 3

      /           division                   x = 10/2

   Mod                  Modulo                        x = y Mod z

     +           Addition                          x = 2 + 3

      -           Subtraction                   x = 6 - 4


*Arithmetic operators follow mathematical rules of precedence

* '+' or '&' can be used for string concatenation.


Operator Precedence


Operator       Description                      Order 

()                parenthesis                  highest                                                 

^                exponentiation                            

-                 unary minus                              

/,*              division/multplication                 

Mod             modulo                                     

+, -, &         addition, subtraction, concatenation

=, <>, <, >,<=,>=        relational                                    

Not              logical negation                                      

And             logical conjunction                                           

Or               logical disjunction

Xor              logical exclusion

Eqv             logical Equivalence

Imp             logical Implication                lowest


Relational Operators


Operator       Function                                    Usage  

<            Less than                                     x < Y

<=               Less than or equal to                          x <= Y                                   

=            Equals                                         x = Y                                 

>=               Greater than or equal to                     x >= Y

>            Greater than                       x > Y

<>               Not equal to                       x <> Y


Logical Operators



Operator Function                             Usage


Not         Logical Negation  If Not (x)

And        Logical And                  If (x> y) And (x < Z)

Or          Logical Or      if (x = y) Or (x = z)


Functions, Statements, Reserved words - Quick Reference


Abs, Access, Alias, And, Any

App, AppActivate, Asc, Atn, As    

Base, Beep, Begin, Binary, ByVal

Call, Case, ChDir, ChDrive, Choose, Chr, Const, Cos, CurDir,  CDbl, CInt, CLng, CSng, CStr, CVar,  CVDate,Close, CreateObject

Date, Day, Declare, Dim, Dir, Do...Loop,Dialog, DDEInitiate

DDEExecute, DateSerial, DateValue, Double  

Else, ElseIf, End, EndIf, EOF, Eqv, Erase, Err, Error

Exit, Exp, Explicit  

False, FileCopy, FileLen, Fix, For,

For...Next, Format, Function      

Get, GetAttr, GoTo, Global, Get Object

Hex, Hour

If...Then...Else...[End If], Imp, Input, InputBox, InStr, Int, Integer, Is, IsEmpty, IsNull, IsNumeric, IsDate


LBound, LCase, Left, Len, Let, LOF,Log, Long, Loop, LTrim Line Input  

Mid,Minute, MkDir, Mod, Month, MsgBox

Name, Next, Not, Now

Oct,On, Open, OKButton,Object, Option, Optional, Or, On Error

Print, Print #, Private, Put

Randomize, Rem, ReDim, RmDir, Rnd, Rtrim

Seek, SendKeys, Set, SetAttr, Second, Select, Shell, Sin, Sqr, Stop,Str, Sng, Single, Space, Static, Step, Stop, Str, String, Sub, StringComp

Tan,Text, TextBox, Time, Timer, TimeSerial, TimeVale, Then, Type, Trim, True, To, Type

UBound, UCase, Ucase, Until

Val, Variant, VarType

Write #, While, Weekday, Wend, With

