On Error { GoTo line | Resume Next | GoTo 0 }
Enables error-handling routine and specifies the line label of the error-handling routine.
Related Topics: Resume
The line parameter refers to a label. That label must be present in the code or an error is generated.
Sub Main
On Error GoTo dude
Dim x as object
x.draw ' Object not set
jpe ' Undefined function call
print 1/0 ' Division by zero
Err.Raise 6 ' Generate an "Overflow" error
MsgBox "Back"
MsgBox "Jack"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "HELLO"
Print Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Next
MsgBox "Should not get here!"
MsgBox "What?"
End Sub
Errors can be raised with the syntax:
Err.Raise x
The list below shows the corresponding descriptions for the defined values
of x.
5: "Invalid procedure call";
6: "Overflow";
7: "Out of memory";
9: "Subscript out of range";
10: "Array is fixed or temporarily locked";
11: "Division by zero";
13: "Type mismatch";
14: "Out of string space";
16: "Expression too complex";
17: "Can't perform requested operation";
18: "User interrupt occurred";
20: "Resume without error";
28: "Out of stack space";
35: "Sub, Function, or Property not defined";
47: "Too many DLL application clients";
48: "Error in loading DLL";
49: "Bad DLL calling convention";
51: "Internal error";
52: "Bad file name or number";
53: "File not found";
54: "Bad file mode";
55: "File already open";
57: "Device I/O error";
58: "File already exists";
59: "Bad record length";
60: "Disk full";
62: "Input past end of file";
63: "Bad record number";
67: "Too many files";
68: "Device unavailable";
70: "Permission denied";
71: "Disk not ready";
74: "Can't rename with different drive";
75: "Path/File access error";
76: "Path not found";
91: "Object variable or With block variable not set";
92: "For loop not initialized";
93: "Invalid pattern string";
94: "Invalid use of Null";
// OLE Automation Messages
429: "OLE Automation server cannot create object";
430: "Class doesn't support OLE Automation";
432: "File name or class name not found during OLE Automation operation";
438: "Object doesn't support this property or method";
440: "OLE Automation error";
443: "OLE Automation object does not have a default value";
445: "Object doesn't support this action";
446: "Object doesn't support named arguments";
447: "Object doesn't support current local setting";
448: "Named argument not found";
449: "Argument not optional";
450: "Wrong number of arguments";
451: "Object not a collection";
// Miscellaneous Messages
444: "Method not applicable in this context";
452: "Invalid ordinal";
453: "Specified DLL function not found";
457: "Duplicate Key";
460: "Invalid Clipboard format";
461: "Specified format doesn't match format of data";
480: "Can't create AutoRedraw image";
481: "Invalid picture";
482: "Printer error";
483: "Printer driver does not supported specified property";
484: "Problem getting printer information from from the system.";
// Make sure the printer is setp up correctly.
485: "invalid picture type";
520: "Can't empty Clipboard";
521: "Can't open Clipboard";