Line Input # Statement


Line Input # filenumber  and name


Reads a line from a sequential file into a String or Variant variable.


The parameter filenumber  is used in the open statement to open the file. The parameter name is the name of a variable used to hold the line of text from the file.


Related Topics: Open



' Line Input # Statement Example:

' This example uses the Line Input # statement to read a line from a

' sequential file and assign it to a variable. This example assumes that

' TESTFILE is a text file with a few lines of sample data.


Sub Main

    Open "TESTFILE" For Input As #1   ' Open file.

    Do While Not EOF(1)    ' Loop until end of file.

   Line Input #1, TextLine ' Read line into variable.

   Print TextLine       ' Print to Debug window.


    Close #1  ' Close file.


End Sub