

Left(string, num)


Returns the left most num characters of a string parameter.


Left returns a Variant, Left$ returns a String





Sub Main ()

   Dim LWord, Msg, RWord, SpcPos, UsrInp ' Declare variables.

   Msg = "Enter two words separated by a space."

   UsrInp = InputBox(Msg)  ' Get user input.

   print UsrInp

   SpcPos = InStr(1, UsrInp, " ") ' Find space.

   If SpcPos Then

       LWord = Left(UsrInp, SpcPos - 1)  ' Get left word.

       print "LWord: ";  LWord

       RWord = Right(UsrInp, Len(UsrInp) - SpcPos)  ' Get right word.

       Msg = "The first word you entered is " & LWord

       Msg = Msg & "." & " The second word is "

       Msg = "The first word you entered is <" & LWord & ">"

       Msg = Msg & RWord & "."


       Msg = "You didn't enter two words."

   End If

   MsgBox Msg ' Display message.

   MidTest = Mid("Mid Word Test", 4, 5)

   Print MidTest

End Sub