Function PostData( ByVal deviceHnd& ) As Long
Purpose: Perform data validation and update data for the given equipment in the network database.
Works in: OneLiner and Power Flow.
deviceHnd [in] data object handle
Return value:
1 success
0 failure
Remarks: Changes to the equipment data made through SetData function will not be committed to the program network database until after this function has been executed with success.
If SetData( nSCapHnd, SC_dX, dXc ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
If SetData( nSCapHnd, SC_dX0, dXc ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
If SetData( nSCapHnd, SC_dR, dRc ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
If SetData( nSCapHnd, SC_dR0, dRc ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
If PostData( nSCapHnd ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError 'Save the whole thing