Function GetPSCVoltage( ByVal hHandle&, ByRef vdOut1() as double, _
ByRef vdOut2() as double, ByVal nStyle& ) As Long
Purpose: Retrieve pre-fault voltage of a bus, or of connected buses of a line, transformer, switch or phase shifter.
Works in: OneLiner only.
nHandle [in] data object handle
vdOut1 [out] voltage magnitude
vdOut2 [out] voltage angle in degree
[in] result style
=1: output voltage in kV
=2: output voltage in
Return value:
1 success
0 failure
Remarks: The size of arrays vdOut1 and vdOut2 must
be at least 3. For equipment that is connected to more than one bus, the voltage
result is stored in the following order:
- vdOut1(1), vnOut2(1):
Voltage at equipment’s Bus1
- vdOut1(2), vnOut2(2): Voltage at
equipment’s Bus2
- vdOut1(3), vnOut2(3): Voltage at equipment’s
Dim MagArray(3) As Double, AngArray(3) As Double
‘ Get end bus names
If GetData( LineHnd, LN_nBus1Hnd, BusHnd ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
Bus1ID = FullBusName( BusHnd )
If GetData(LineHnd, LN_nBus2Hnd, BusHnd ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
Bus2ID = FullBusName( BusHnd )
' Show the fault
If PickFault( 1 ) Then GoTo HasError
‘ Get pre-fault
If GetPSCVoltage( nDevHnd&, vdVal1, vdVal2, 2 ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
' Show it
Print "Pre-fault voltage on line: "; sVal2$ & "-"; sVal3$ & " ID= "; sVal1$; ": "; Chr(10); _
"V1 = "; Format( MagArray(1), "#0.00"); "@"; Format( AngArray(1), "#0.0"); _
"; V2 = "; Format( MagArray(2), "#0.00"); "@"; Format(AngArray 2), "#0.0")