Function GetFlow( ByVal hHandle&, ByRef vdOut1() as double, _
ByRef vdOut2() as double ) As Long
Purpose: Retrieve power flow for a generator, load, shunt, switched shunt, generating unit, load unit, shunt unit, transmission line, transformer, or phase shifter.
Works in: Power Flow only.
nHandle [in] data object handle
vdOut1 [out] Real power in MW into equipment terminal(s)
vdOut2 [out] Reactive power in MVAR into equipment terminal(s)
Return value:
1 success
0 failure
Remarks: The size of arrays vdOut1 and vdOut2 must
be at least equal to the number of buses connected to the equipment: 1 for
generator, load, shunt, switched shunt, generating unit, load unit, shunt unit;
2 for Line, 2-winding transformer, phase shifter; switch, switch, 3 for
3-winding transformer. For equipment that has more than one connected bus, the
flow results are stored in the following order:
- vdOut1(1), vnOut2(1):
flow from equipment’s Bus1
- vdOut1(2), vnOut2(2): flow from
equipment’s Bus2
- vdOut1(3), vnOut2(3): flow from equipment’s Bus3
Dim Parray(3) As Double, Qarray(9) As Double
‘ Get end bus names
If GetData( LineHnd, LN_nBus1Hnd, BusHnd ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
Bus1ID = FullBusName( BusHnd )
If GetData(LineHnd, LN_nBus2Hnd, BusHnd ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
Bus2ID = FullBusName( BusHnd )
‘ Get current
If GetFlow( LineHnd, Parray, Qarray, 4 ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
‘ Show them
Print _
"Power on line: "; sVal2$ & "-"; sVal3$ & " ID= "; sVal1$; ": "; Chr(10); _
"P1 = "; Format( Parray(1), "#0.0"); " Q1= "; Format( Qarray(1), "#0.0"); _
"; P2 = "; Format( Parray(2), "#0.0"); " Q2 = "; Format( Qarray(2), "#0.0")