Function FullBusName( ByVal nBusHnd& ) As String
Purpose: Return a string composed of name and kV of the given bus.
Works in: OneLiner and Power Flow.
nBusHnd [in] bus handle
Return value:
Full bus name if success.
Empty string otherwise.
' Print bus info
If GetData( nBusHnd&, BUS_sName, sVal1$ ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
If GetData( nBusHnd&, BUS_dKVnorminal, dVal1# ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
If GetData( nBusHnd&, BUS_nNumber, nVal1& ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
If GetData( nBusHnd&, BUS_nArea, nVal2& ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
If GetData( nBusHnd&, BUS_nZone, nVal3& ) = 0 Then GoTo HasError
Print "BUS "; FullBusName( nBusHnd& );" AREA=";nVal2&;" ZONE="; nVal3&