Function Function BusPicker( ByRef sWindowText$, ByRef vnBusHnd1() as Long, _
ByRef vnBusHnd2() as Long ) As Long
Purpose: Display bus selection dialog.
Works in: OneLiner / Power Flow.
sWindowText [in] Dialog title.
vnBusHnd1 [in] Array of handle number of buses that are already selected when the dialog opens. The list must be terminated with zero.
vnBusHnd2 [out] Array of handle number of buses that user selected. The list must is terminated with zero.
Return value:
1 User clicked OK
0 User clicked Cancel
Remarks: Dimension of the two arrays must be adequate to store all buses in the network.
sWindowText$ = "My Bus Picker"
nPicked& = BusPicker( sWindowText$, vnBusHnd1, vnBusHnd2 ) strTemp$ = ""
For ii& = 1 to nPicked
nBsHnd& = vnBusHnd2(ii)
strName$ = FullBusName( nBsHnd& )
strTemp$ = strTemp$ + strName$ + Chr(10) + Chr(13)