File Input/Output


Enable supports full sequential and binary file I/O. 


Functions and Statements that apply to file access:

Dir, EOF, FileCopy, FileLen, Seek, Open, Close, Input,  Line Input, Print  and Write


' File I/O Examples


Sub Main

    Open "TESTFILE" For Input As #1 ' Open file.

    Do While Not EOF(1)   ' Loop until end of file.

      Line Input #1, TextLine ' Read line into variable.

   Print TextLine    ' Print to Debug window.


    Close #1   ' Close file.


End Sub



Sub test


Open "MYFILE" For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.

Do While Not EOF(1)  ' Check for end of file.

   Line Input #1, InputData   ' Read line of data.

   MsgBox InputData


Close #1 ' Close file.


End Sub




Sub FileIO_Example()

   Dim Msg  ' Declare variable.

   Call Make3Files() ' Create data files.

   Msg = "Several test files have been created on your disk. "

   Msg = Msg & "Choose OK to remove the test files."

   MsgBox Msg

   For I = 1 To 3

        Kill "TEST" & I ' Remove data files from disk.

        Next I

End Sub


Sub Make3Files ()

   Dim I, FNum, FName   ' Declare variables.

   For I = 1 To 3

      FNum = FreeFile   ' Determine next file number.

      FName = "TEST" & FNum

      Open FName For Output As FNum ' Open file.

      Print #I, "This is test #" & I   ' Write string to file.

      Print #I, "Here is another ";  "line";  I

   Next I

   Close ' Close all files.

End Sub