Dir Function   




Returns a file/directory name that matches the given path  and attributes.





' Bitmap sample using the Dir Function



Sub DrawBitmapSample

    Dim MyList()

    Begin Dialog BitmapDlg 60, 60, 290, 220, "Enable bitmap sample", .DlgFunc

        ListBox 10, 10, 80, 180, MyList(), .List1, 2

        Picture 100, 10, 180, 180, "Forest.bmp", 0, .Picture1

        CancelButton 42, 198, 40, 12   

        OKButton 90, 198, 40, 12

    End Dialog


    Dim frame As BitmapDlg


    ' Show the bitmap dialog

    Dialog frame

End Sub


Function DlgFunc( controlID As String, action As Integer, suppValue As Integer )


    DlgFunc = 1  ' Keep dialog active


    Select Case action

    Case 1 ' Initialize

        temp = Dir( "c:\Windows\*.bmp" )

        count = 0

        While temp <> ""

            count = count + 1

            temp = Dir


        Dim x() As String

        ReDim x(count)

        x(0) = Dir( "c:\Windows\*.bmp" )

        For i = 1 To count

            x(i) = dir

        Next i

        DlgListBoxArray "List1", x()

    Case 2 ' Click

        fileName = "c:\windows\" & DlgText("List1")

        DlgSetPicture "Picture1", fileName

    End Select

End Function