The Voltage-Sag Analysis | Run Batch command is designed to help you study in batch mode the voltage variations at a voltage-sensitive customer's bus caused by short circuits in the vicinity. The input to this command is a batch voltage-sag file that contains a list of monitored buses.
OneLiner will perform a voltage-sag analysis for each of the monitored buses in turn. The output of this command is a report file in CSV format. No output is shown on the one-line diagram.
1. Select the Faults | Voltage Sag Analysis | Run Batch command.
A File-Open dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the batch voltage-sag file (a text file with .txt extension). This file must contain a list of one or more monitored buses. Each bus is identified by its name and nominal kV. A sample file with four bus names is shown below:
'CLAYTOR', 132
'DOT BUS', 13.8
The bus name must be enclosed by single quotes or double quotes, depending on the string-delimiter option you selected in the Network tab if the File | Preferences dialog box.
Note: You can use the Store option of the Bus Selector to generate the batch voltage-sag file. See APPENDIX H: BUS SELECTOR for details.
Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the batch voltage-sag file. Press OK.
2. Enter voltage sag analysis parameters.
A dialog box will appear asking you for voltage sag analysis parameters. This is the same dialog box for the Faults | Voltage Sag Analysis | Run command. Please see documentation for that command for explanation of the parameters in this dialog box.
3. Press OK to start the analysis.
A Save File dialog box will appear asking you for report file name.
Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the output file, which must be a CSV-formatted file.
At the completion of the voltage-sag calculations, the program will show you the result using your spreadsheet program. An explanation of the output can be found in the documentation for the Faults | Voltage Sag Analysis | Run command.
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