The Tools | User-Defined Commands menu has space allocated for five user-defined commands. These commands are initially listed as Command 1, Command 2, etc. This User-Defined Command | Setup command enables you to customize these user-defined commands. You can give each command a meaningful name and assign to it a script file. The program will execute the script file when a user selects the menu item.
1. Select the Tools | User-Defined Commands | Setup command.
A dialog box will appear. The information on this dialog box is divided evenly into five groups, one for each of the five user-defined commands.
2. Customize a command.
Enter a menu label that describes what the command will do.
Enter the full path name of a script file in the edit box labeled Script File. If needed, click on the Browse button to the right to locate it.
3. Repeat step 2 for commands you want to customize. When done, press OK to close the dialog box.
4. Python OlxAPI Apps setup.
Python path: Enter the full pathname of the Python executable that you would like OneLiner to invoke when launching Python OlxAPI apps.
App folder: Enter the full pathname of the disk folder where your library of Python OlxAPI apps is located.
App manager: Enter the full pathname of the Python OlxAPI apps manager program that you would like OneLiner to invoke when the command Tools | OlxAPI Apps Dashboard is executed. OneLiner V15 is shipped with an apps manager written in Python, which can be found at:
Where: V15ProgramFolder is the disk folder where OneLiner V15 program files had been installed by the setup program.
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