The Scale/Shift One-Line command in the Main Window lets you scale or shift the entire one-line diagram. A common usage is to blow up the entire diagram to give more room between adjacent symbols. This is done by multiplying all x and y coordinates by a scaling factor ‘a’ that you specify.
1. Select the Diagram | Scale/Shift One-Line command.
A dialog box will appear asking you for the scaling/shifting parameters 'a', 'b', and 'c'.
The one-line diagram is within a rectangle with the following coordinates: Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax. The program will use the following formula to calculate the new coordinates ( x', y' ) on the one-line diagram:
x' = a * x + b
y' = a * y + c
2. Input the scaling/shift factors.
a: Scaling Parameter: expands (a >1) or shrinks (a < 1) the one-line diagram.
b: Horizontal Shift Parameter: shifts the one-line diagram right or left.
c: Vertical Shift Parameter: shifts the one-line diagram up or down.
3. Press OK.
The dialog box will disappear and the Main Window will display the modified one-line diagram.
Note: Sometimes unexpected placement of symbols results when you cascading two or more Scale/Shift commands. We suggest that you undo a scale/shift operation before re-applying it with different scale and shift factors.
Main Window