The ASPEN CIM tool, aspencim.exe, is a Windows console application designed to process one or multiple input data files with network model data and configuration settings to generate desired output files. You must run OneLiner with CIM module setup to have this program included in the OneLiner program folder on your machine (default path c:\program files (x86)\ASPEN\1lpfv15)

You can launch aspencim.exe in  the Windows command console or include it in a batch processing command file with command line parameters in the following format:

aspencim.exe -op n -fi "InputFile" –fo "OutputFile" [-optionalParameter parameterValue …]


-h       Display program usage info to the console.

-op     Operation code:
n=1: Convert OneLiner OLR file to CIM XML file
n=2: Convert CIM XML file to OneLiner OLR file
n=3: Compare two OneLiner files and store the difference in a CIM DIFF XML file
n=4: Convert a CIM DIFF XML file into an ASPEN ADX change file


-fi       Input. Full path name of the input data file must follow.

-fo      Output file. Desired path name of the output data file must follow

-fCFG  Configuration file. Full path name of the configuration file must follow

-fREF  CIM reference file. Full path name of the reference data file must follow

-fadx  Network model augmentation ADX file. Full path name of the ASPEN ADX change file to augment the input data file with additional network data must follow

-fcsv   Network model augmentation CSV file. Full path name of the CSV data file to augment the input data file with additional network data.


M.2.1 Convert OneLiner network model file to CIM model XML file

To convert an OneLiner network in a binary data file .OLR or text data file .OLX to CIM V16 XML file, execute the ASPEN CIM tool with the following command lines parameters ([] denotes optional parameters):

aspencim.exe -op 1 -fi "OneLinerFile" –fo "CIMXMLFile" [-fCFG "RefFile"] [-fCFG "ConfigFile"]


OneLinerFile  the full pathname of OneLiner network model file. Supported file formats are: binary data file OLR and text data file OLX.

CIMXMLFile   the full pathname of CIM XML output data file.

RefFile     CIM reference file with CIM object GUID, which do not have corresponding OneLiner network object.

ConfigFile   the full pathname of ASPEN CIM tool configuration file. The following configuration settings are supported:

Name                     Description                                           Default
SmallImpedancePU    Small impedance in pu                            1E-6
SmallImpedanceOhm Small impedance in Ohm                         1E-6
InfiniteImpedancePU  Infinite impedance in pu                          9999
InfiniteImpedanceOhm                                                        Infinite impedance in Ohm                             9999

NOTE: The ASPEN CIM Tool program automatically generate a log file with details all errors and warnings found during the data conversion. Additionally the program also generate an XML file with data that are not


M.2.2 Convert CIM model XML file to OneLiner network model file

To convert CIM V16 XML file to an OneLiner network in a binary data file .OLR or text data file .OLX, execute the ASPEN CIM tool with the following command lines parameters ([] denotes optional parameters):

aspencim.exe -op 2 –fi "CIMXMLFile" -fo "OneLinerFile" [-fCFG "ConfigFile"] [–fREF "RefFile"]
       [-fADX "adxFile"] [-fCSV "csvFile"]


CIMXMLFile   the full pathname of CIM V16 XML input data file.

OneLinerFile  the full pathname of OneLiner network model output file. User the file extension to specify the desired format: ,OLR - OneLiner binary data file; OLX- OneLiner XML data file.

RefFile     CIM reference file to store CIM object GUID, which do not have corresponding OneLiner network object.

adxFile     Full path name of the ASPEN ADX change file to augment the input data file with additional network data.

csvFile     Full path name of the CSV data file to augment the input data file with additional network data.

ConfigFile   the full pathname of ASPEN CIM tool configuration file. The following configuration settings are supported:
Name                     Description                                           Default
ModelOutput            Desired network model type
                             BUSBRANCH: create a bus-branch network model:
                                   CIM TopologicalNode objects are imported as
                                   OneLiner buses.  All switches, disconnectors
                                   and breakers in the CIM file are eliminated and
                                   their ends merged to form OneLiner buses.
                             RAW: create a node-breaker network model. CIM
                                   ConnectivityNode objects are converted to
                                   OneLiner buses. Switches, disconnectors and
                                   breakers are imported as OneLiner switches.    BUSBRANCH
SmallImpedancePU    Small impedance value in pu                    1E-6
SmallImpedanceOhm Small impedance value in Ohm                 1E-6
InfiniteImpedancePU  Infinite impedance value in pu                  9999
InfiniteImpedanceOhm     Infinite impedance value in Ohm         9999
Gen_z0                   For generators with missing zero sequence impedance
                             0 - Use synchronous impedance
                             1 - Use SmallImpedancePU                      0
Gen_z2                   For generators with missing negative sequence impedance
                             0 - Use synchronous impedance
                             1 - Use SmallImpedancePU                      0
Gen_zS                   For generators with missing sub-synchronous impedance
                             0 - Use synchronous impedance
                             1 - Use SmallImpedancePU                      0
Gen_zT                   For generators with missing transient impedance
                             0 - Use synchronous impedance
                             1 - Use SmallImpedancePU                      0
XFMRphaseAngleClock     For transformers with missing winding configuration
                             0: Use YD1 or DY1
                             1: Use YD11 or DY11                              1
BusNumerMapping    Import OneLiner bus number from:
                             0 - mRID; 1 - Auto; 2 – PSSEID; 3 - TEID;
                             4 - Use profile                                       4
BusLocation             Import OneLiner bus location from:
                             0 - CIM SubstatinoName; 1 - CIM SubGeographicalRegion;
                             2 - CIM GeographicaRegion                      0
BusName                Import OneLiner name location from:
                             0 - CIM TopologicalNode/ConnectivityNode name;
                             1 - BusLocation option; 2 - Using TEID;
                             3 - Use PSSEName; 4: Auto (0-1-2-3-4 priority) 0


M.2.3 Convert CIM V16 Difference model XML file to ASPEN ADX change file

To create CIM V16 Difference model XML file contains the differences of two OneLiner network, execute the ASPEN CIM tool with the following command lines parameters ([] denotes optional parameters):

aspencim.exe –op 4 –fi "CIMFM" "CIMDM" –fo "OutputFile" [–fCFG "ConfigFile"]


CIMFM, CIMDM  The full pathnames of CIM full model and CIM Difference model respectively.

OutputFile   The full pathname of the ASPEN ADX change file.


M.2.4 Create CIM Difference model XML file from two OneLiner networks

To create CIM V16 Difference model XML file contains the differences of two OneLiner network, execute the ASPEN CIM tool with the following command lines parameters ([] denotes optional parameters):

aspencim.exe –op 3 –fi "fileA" "fileB" –fo "OutputFile" [–fCFG "ConfigFile"] [–fREF "RefFile"]


fileA, fileB  the full pathname of two OneLiner files to compare.

OutputFile   the full pathname of the CIM Difference model file.

RefFile     CIM reference file to store CIM object GUID, which do not have corresponding OneLiner network object.


M.2.5 Configuration file

The configuration file is an XML with pre-defined tags and attributes listed in the sections above. The ASPEN CIM Tool reads from a configuration file various settings to be used in the data conversion. Following is an example of a configuration file.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>



    <ROW NAME="BaseMVA"   VALUE="0.0"
         CMT="System base MVA (if negative use CIM[basePower])"/>

    <ROW NAME="Frequency" VALUE="60.0" CMT="Frequency"/>

    <ROW NAME="BaseKV"    VALUE="7.2" CMT="Nominal voltage"/>



    <ROW NAME="VoltageUnit"   VALUE="1" CMT="0: auto, 1: kV,  2: V"/>

    <ROW NAME="PowerUnit"     VALUE="1" CMT="0: auto, 1: MVA, 2: VA"/>

    <ROW NAME="LengthUnitCIM" VALUE="km" CMT="km,m"/>

    <ROW NAME="LengthUnitOLR" VALUE="mi" CMT="ft,kt,mi,m,km"/>



    <ROW NAME="BusNumberMapping"  VALUE="4"
         CMT="0: by mRID , 1: Auto, 2: PSSEID, 3: TEID, 4: Defined by profile"/>

    <ROW NAME="BusLocation" VALUE="0"
         CMT="0: SubstationName, 1: SubGeographicalRegion 2: GeographicalRegion"/>

    <ROW NAME="BusName" VALUE="4"
         CMT="0: TopologicalNode/ConnectivityNode name, 1: Use BusLocation; 2: Use TEID;
              3: Using PSSEName 4: Auto selection (0-1-2-3-4 priority) "/>



    <ROW NAME="SmallImpedancePU"  VALUE="1E-6" CMT="Small impedance in pu"/>

    <ROW NAME="SmallImpedanceOhm" VALUE="1E-6" CMT="Small impedance in Ohm"/>

    <ROW NAME="InfiniteImpedancePU" VALUE="9999" CMT="Infinite impedance in pu"/>

    <ROW NAME="InfiniteImpedanceOhm" VALUE="9999" CMT="Infinite impedance in Ohm"/>

    <ROW NAME="Gen_z0" VALUE="0"
         CMT="for Generator with zero impedance 

              0: use synchronous impedance
              1: use small impedance pu"/>

    <ROW NAME="Gen_z2" VALUE="0"
         CMT="for Generator with zero negative sequence
              0: Use synchronous impedance
              1: Use small impedance pu"/>

    <ROW NAME="Gen_zS" VALUE="0"
         CMT="For Generator with zero subtransient impedance
             0: Use synchronous impedance

             1: Use small impedance pu"/>

    <ROW NAME="Gen_zT" VALUE="0"

             CMT="For Generator with zero transient impedance

                 0: Use synchronous impedance

                 1: Use Small impedance pu"/>

    <ROW NAME="XFMRphaseAngleClock" VALUE="1"

             CMT="For transformers with missing phaseAngleClock

                 0: Use YD1/DY11 (fixed); 1: HV leading LV"/>




         CMT=" BUSBRANCH: convert to bus-branch model; RAW: convert CIM network as-is"/>

    <ROW NAME="UDFCIMRef" VALUE="1" CMT="CIM reference in UDF field, 0: False, 1: True"/>
