Comparing two .OLR files

The ability to compare two .OLR files allows you to:

    Check for changes made between this year's and last year's base case.

    Check for changes between a base case and a case that has been altered.

Comparing a .OLR file and a .DXT file

The ability to compare a .OLR file with a .DXT file was implemented with the following application in mind. 

Company A is member of a reliability council.  Once a year, it receives from the council a data file that contains Company A's system plus some equipment of Company A's immediate neighbors.  Engineers in Company A must update their OneLiner data files to keep pace with this new information.

The brute-force solution of importing the new data from scratch is not practical.  A better solution is to compare the data in the .OLR that the company submitted to the reliability council with the new data from the council and then use the change file produced by The Case Comparison Program to update the current .OLR file using OneLiner or Power Flow.

The procedure is the following:

    Make a copy of current .OLR file, which we will call V2010.OLR.

    Locate a copy of the .OLR file that the company submitted to the reliability council, which we will call V2009.OLR.

    Convert the data file from the council into a text data file in the ASPEN format using one of the conversion programs available from ASPEN.  We will call the converted program COUNCIL_2010.DXT.  

    Run DIFFER.EXE to compare V2009.OLR with COUNCIL_2010.DXT.  The differences found are those made in the neighbor system. We will call the difference report, REPORT.TXT, and the change file, CHANGE.CHF.

    Run OneLiner to update V2010.OLR using CHANGE.CHF.   The network of the updated file will have all updates in the neighbor network contained in COUNCIL_2010.DXT.