Execute the program on the command line with the following parameters ([] denotes optional parameters):
Differ.exe -fA FileA -fB FileB -fr ReportFile [-fo ChangeFile] [-fCFG ConfigFile] [-fL LogFile]
FileA Path name of file A (must be a valid .OLR, OLX or DXT file)
FileB Path name of file B (must be a valid .OLR, OLX or DXT file)
ReportFile Path name of report file. Specify the file extension .TXT or .CSV as desired.
ChangeFile [Optional] Path name of change file (only when change file output is desired). Specify file extension .ADX, .CHF. or .ANA as desired.
LogFile [Optional] Log file path name. If this option is not specified the default log file path name of %appdata%\ASPEN\Differ\differ.log will be used. The program will append to the end of the log file details of any error that may occur during execution.
ConfigFile [Optional] Path name of the configuration file in XML format with comparison options. The configuration file must contain the XML tag ASPEN_CASECOMP_CONFIG with the following attributes (* denotes the default value of each attribute):
USEBUSNO Correlate using bus number: 1 - YES; “0” – NO*
COMPBUSES Compare buses: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPGENS Compare generators: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPLOADS Compare loads: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPSHUNTS Compare shunts: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPSVDS Compare switched shunts: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPLINES Compare transmission lines: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPSHIFTERS Compare phase shifters: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPAREAS Compare areas and zones: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPXFMS Compare transformers: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPBREARKERS Compare breakers: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPMUPAIRS Compare mutual coupling: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPRLYOC Compare overcurrent relays and fuses: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPRLYDS Compare distance relays: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPDEVICES Compare other protective devices: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPCOORDPAIRS Compare coordination pairs: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPSWITCHES Compare switches: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPDCLINES Compare DC lines: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPSCHEMES Compare logic schemes: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
COMPTIES Include ties lines in comparison: “1” - YES*; 0 - NO
ANAFASFORMAT Generate change file in ANAFAS format: 1 - YES; “0” – NO*
can also signify 1 for this option by specifying the change file extension
COMPEXTENT Comparison extent: “0”- Entire network*; “1”- Boundary equipment only; “2”- Inside of areas; “3”- Outside of areas; “4”- Inside zones; “5”- Outside of zones
KVRANGE KV ranges: “0-9999”*
BOUNDARYID Boundary equipment circuit ID: “N”*
AREAS Area range: “0-99999”*
Zone range: “0-99999”*