The ASPEN Case Comparison Program, DIFFER.EXE, is a command line utility program that you can run to compare two ASPEN data files and to report on their differences in network parameters and relay settings (including coordination pairs).  This program can also generate a change file that you can use in OneLiner and Power Flow to automatically update a data file.

You can use this program to compare any two OneLiner files of any of the following file types:

    Binary data files with the .OLR extension.

    Text data files with the .OLX extension.

    Text data files with the .DXT extension.

Note: Differ.exe in version 15 is designed to replace the command line operation of the Case Comparison program in OneLiner v14 and earlier. The Case Comparison program version 14’s GUI operations are now a part of the OneLiner command File | Compare files.

The program produces two output text files:

    A difference report with the .TXT extension or the .CSV extension.

    A change file with the .ADX, .CHF or .ANA extension.  The ,ADX file option is available in v15 only.

The difference reports are an English-like report listing all the differences between the two input files.

In the following, we will refer to the first input file as 'FileA' and the second as 'FileB'.

The change file contains a collection of commands that, when it is applied to FileA, the resulting file will have the same network parameters and relay settings as those of File B.  See 'Section 3.2 Main Window Commands: File | Case Builder' for a description of this command for more information.  Three types of commands are in the change file:

    Commands to delete network elements and relays that are in FileA but not in FileB;

    Commands to add network elements and relays that are in FileB but not in FileA;

    Commands to modify the network elements and relays that are in both files, but have different parameters.

The format of the change file is identical to the ASPEN data format described in Sections 9 and 10.