This section contains parameters of voltage controlled current sources.  The first line in the section must say:  [VOLTAGE CONTROLLED CURRENT SOURCE DATA].  This is followed by the data described below.  A blank line ends the section.  The terms “voltage” and “current” below refer to positive-sequence voltage and current unless specified otherwise.

1.   Bus Name: Name of the bus to which the current source is attached, in quotation marks. 

2.   Base kV: Nominal kV of the current-source bus.

3.   In-Service Flag: 1 if the current source is in service; 0 if it is not.  The default value is 1.

4.  Voltage measurement location: 0 if the voltage is measured at the current-source terminal; 1 if at the network side of the transformer.

5.  MVA Rating of the Current Source

6.   Max Voltage Multiplier:  The current source will reduce the output current to prevent the post-fault positive-sequence voltage magnitude (at the current-source terminal) exceeds the pre-fault voltage magnitudes times this multiplier.

7.  Minimum Voltage:  The current source will shut down if the post-fault voltage magnitude (at the current-source terminal) is below this value in per-unit.  The positive-sequence voltage is used if the “minimum voltage short down” is set to0.  Otherwise the minimum-phase voltage is used.

The next 30 entries are the numbers within the data grid that describes the output of the current source as a function of the voltage.

8.  Voltage Magnitude in per-unit. (Row 1)

9.   Current Magnitude in amperes. (Row 1)

10. Power-Factor Angle in degrees. (Row 1): Enter a negative angle for capacitive current and a positive angle for reactive current.

11-13. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 2)

14-16. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 3)

17-19. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 4)

20-22. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 5)

23-25. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 6)

26-28. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 7)

29-31. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 8)

32-34. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 9)

35-37. Voltage Magnitude, current magnitude and power factor angle. (Row 10)

38. Memo: Comments with a maximum of 512 characters.  Any alpha-numeric characters can be used, except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark).  The comment text is enclosed in quotation marks.

39. Tags: Tag string with a maximum of 512 characters.  Tags in string are separated by semicolon. Any alpha-numeric characters can be used, except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark).  The tag string is enclosed in quotation marks.

40. In-service Date: Set to 0 if not available. Otherwise enter an unsigned 32-bit integer that store the year/month/date information given by the CTime object in Microsoft Foundation Class.

41. Out-of-Service Date: Set to 0 if not available. Otherwise enter an unsigned 32-bit integer that store the year/month/date information given by the CTime object in Microsoft Foundation Class.

42. Minimum voltage shut down option: Set to 0 to use positive-sequence voltage for minimum-voltage shut down.  Set to 1 to use minimum phase voltage. See item 7.

43. UDF: User-defined data fields. Enter the list of user defined field values as a tab delimited text string enclosed in single quotes.


An example voltage controlled current source data section is shown below.


'FIELDALE' 132= 1 0 10 1.05 0.05 10 1 1000 0 0.2 400 -90 0.1 100 -90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /

 'Memo at FielDale New' 'CCTest\c' 1325577600 1391500800 0