This section contains circuit breaker connection information. This data section can be used with the MODIFY keyword in change files only. The first line in the section must say: [MODIFY BREAKER CONNECTION DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section.
1. Bus Name: Name of the bus to which the breaker is attached, in quotation marks.
2. Base kV: Nominal kV (line-to-line) of the bus to which the breaker is attached.
3. Breaker Name: Name with a maximum of 12 characters, in quotation marks. Any alphanumeric characters can be used, except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark).
4. Breaker rating check method for group 1: Specifies the current that the breaker must interrupt: 0 for total current of devices in the group; 1 for maximum individual device current in the group.
5. Breaker rating check method for group 2: Specifies the current that the breaker must interrupt: 0 for total current of devices in the group; 1 for maximum individual device current in the group.
6. Number of Protected Equipment in Group 1: This must be an integer greater than, or equal to, zero.
7. Number of Protected Equipment in Group 2: This must be an integer greater than, or equal to, zero.
8. Protected Equipment and Additional Branch Outage Identifiers
For each protected equipment in Group 1 and Group 2, the following data are expected, on separates lines. List those in Group 1 first, then those in Group 2.
If the protected equipment is a Bus a Generator or a Switched shunt enter: (1) the device code B for Bus; G for generator; V for switched shunt.
If the protected equipment is a Generator unit, Shunt unit or Load unit, enter: (1) The device type code: U for Generator unit; S for shunt unit; D for load unit, followed by (2) the unit ID enclosed in quotation marks.
If the protected equipment is a Line, Phase Shifter or Transformer, enter: (1) The device type code: L for Line; T for 2-winding transformer; X for 3-winding transformer; P for phase shifter; W for switch. Upper case letter code indicates protected equipment. Lower case code indicates additional branch outage (2) Bus1 name enclosed in quotation marks, (3) Bus1 base kV, (4) Bus2 name enclosed in quotation marks, (5) Bus2 base kV, and (6) the circuit ID enclosed in quotation marks.
An example breaker data section is shown below.
'NEVADA' 132= 'bk6' 0 1 /
2 2 /
HAMPSHR' 33 'NEVADA' 132 '1' /
B /
X 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 'NEVADA' 132 '2'