This section contains information on the shunt location, plus a memo and the tags.  Each shunt must have an entry in this section.  The first line in the section must say: [SHUNTEX DATA].  This is followed by the data described below.  A blank line ends the section.

1.   Bus Name: Name of the bus to which the shunt is attached, enclosed by quotation marks.

2.   Base kV: Nominal kV of the bus.

3.   Memo: Comments with a maximum of 512 characters.  Any alpha-numeric characters can be used, except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark).  The comment text is enclosed in quotation marks.

4.   Tags: Tag string with a maximum of 512 characters.  Tags in string are separated by semicolon. Any alpha-numeric characters can be used, except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark).  The tag string is enclosed in quotation marks.

5.   UDF: User-defined data fields. Enter the list of user defined field values as a tab delimited text string enclosed in single quotes.


An example SHUNTEX data section is shown below.


'OHIO' 132 '1'= '' '' ''

'ROANOKE' 13.8 '1'= '' '' ''
'OREGON' 33 =  'Test shunt'  'rgCap1\c' 'A4116'