
Press the arrow keys in the numerical keypad to scroll the one-line diagram both horizontally and vertically.  Rolling the mouse wheel also scrolls the diagram up and down.

Zoom and Out

Hold down the <Ctrl> key and roll the mouse wheel to change the zoom setting continuously.

Pan the Diagram

Press down the mouse wheel and drag the mouse to pan the diagram.

Changing Relay Settings

You can bring up the info dialog box of the relay being shown by double-clicking the mouse button on the description box.  This is equivalent to executing the Edit | Relay Setting command and then selecting the relay from the dialog box.

Changing the Offset and Orientation of the Second or Third Relay Characteristics

You can drag the origin of the second or third relay to change its position.  Alternatively, double click the left mouse button on the origin to open a dialog box in which you can specify the position and orientation (forward or reverse) of the second or third relay.

Resizing Relay Description Caption Boxes

You can resize the caption box encapsulating the distance relay description by clicking on the right vertical edge of the box and dragging it to the desired position. 

Opening the TTY Window

You can bring up the TTY Window by double-clicking the mouse button in an area not occupied by the description boxes.  This is equivalent to executing the "Show | TTY Window" command.

Closing the DS Relays Window

You can close the DS Relays Window by double-clicking on the control menu box in the upper-left corner.  This is equivalent to executing the Misc | Close Window command.