The OLX data file is a XML formatted text file that is designed to store all the parameters of an OneLiner case: power network components, protective devices, modeling parameters and other details. The ADX data file is also a XML formatted text file that is designed to store changes in OneLiner network. Both OLX and ADX files share a common XML scheme.
The OLX data format, and the ADX change file format, are designed to be compatible with the CIM standards (IEC 61968, IEC 61970) and are intended a medium of exchange between ASPEN OneLiner/Power Flow and other programs model data management systems based on the CIM standards.
The OLX and ADX data are extensible and can be easily augmented to support new features in future versions of the program while maintaining full read/write compatibility with the prior versions.
OneLiner and Power Flow reads the OLX text data file under the File | Open Text Data File command. The programs generates network data file under the File | Export | Network Data command.
OneLiner and Power Flow reads the ADX text data file under the File | Case Builder command. The programs generates network data file under the File | Compare files command.
Each OLX/ADX data file contains the following information:
• Miscellaneous system parameters and file comments
• User-defined fields template (If available)
• OLX file: Tables of network and protective device data records
• ADX file: Tables of network and protective device data change records
The format of the OLX/ADX files is described in this section